INTERNATIONAL GROUP commercial loans

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International Group (IG) has been in business for more than 20 years. We began offering superior service in the very first months by acquiring an existing company and retaining the experienced manager from the former ownership for several years. The previous business had been in business 35 years which actually gives us a 59 year history. IG has historically focused on international loans, with particular interest in hospitality, new construction, and rehab projects.

Since the time of the purchase we at IG have expanded our business model to diversify our loan products into most segments of the commercial financing industry, including hard money, joint venture equity, and refinancing at better terms. IG has continued to expand via a global network of qualified referral sources to meet our need for a steady stream of good quality new business. Besides our own funds and those of our investors, we continually work with our pension plan and other partners who provide wholesale or direct market capital. In addition to in-house funding programs, IG positions itself as a wholesale financial warehouse for borrowers and brokers, direct to the capital markets when our funds are not an appropriate solution. IG will syndicate loans with other lenders and banks as well.

As economic conditions worsened in recent years IG became more proactive and brought some unique loan programs and financing solutions to the market. Since pension funds and insurance companies are providing some of the more liquid wholesale funds available, we continue to use those sources for conventional funding at reasonable rates. IG introduced government bonds (such as Industrial Revenue Bonds and Section 144a investments) to some of our clients to provide them with the additional security necessary to facilitate ongoing and higher LTV financing. With a financially strong client or with government support we can fund several billion dollar loan amounts.

IG will consider below market opportunities with a strong upside. Cross collateral or additional guarantees may be accepted as extra security for a project allowing them to qualify for a loan and achieve funding.

With the flexibility we have in our arsenal we are surviving when many are not, and continually looking for ways to partner with additional referral and funding sources (investors) who can add value to our company and understand our international clients. We are a private company and keep our marketing and website conservative. Our clients need to understand that it requires work and cooperation to complete almost any funding, there are no shortcuts.

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